
Shell Shockers


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Shell Shockers is a unique, free-to-play, browser-based first-person shooter (FPS) game that puts a whimsical twist on the traditional FPS genre. Developed by Blue Wizard Digital, the game was released in 2017 and quickly gained popularity due to its quirky premise and engaging gameplay.

Game Concept

In Shell Shockers, players take on the role of heavily armed eggs battling each other in various game modes. The game’s charm comes from its unusual concept—players are literal eggs that can shoot, jump, and strategize just like characters in more conventional shooters.


  • W, A, S, D: Move your egg forward (W), left (A), backward (S), and right (D).
  • Mouse: Use the mouse to look around and aim your weapon.
  • Spacebar: Jump. This can be useful for dodging enemy fire or navigating the terrain.
  • Shift: Hold down Shift to aim down sights (ADS) for more precise shooting.
  • C: Crouch. This can help you hide behind obstacles or reduce your profile to avoid getting hit.

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